tirsdag 1. desember 2009

Employer Branding in China

For those of you who are subscribing to McKinsey Quarterly, I am sure you have read the article “Winning the talent war in China” where Emmanuel Hemmerle, a principal with executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles is being interviewed.

If not, here is a link to the article; http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/links/36562

Although he makes some good points about how you need to take risks when recruiting – especially seniors – as the market economy is relative new compared to Western markets, I must say I am surprised that a prestigious business review such as McKinsey Quarterly actually publish following recommendations when thinking of recruiting and building your employer brand in China:
-          Have confidence in mainland Chinese talent
-          Look for the best talent
-          Create a culture that is attractive
For me, these are all pretty obvious things you have to think about when building a strategy. I would much rather read about what these talents are looking for and how to build such a culture – this is what I will reveal in my next blog post.

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